Look for team members anywhere
Squadgrid is the quickest way for you to find other Dota 2 players to recruit. Designed for ease of use on any device, you can look for team members no matter where you are, without compromising the experience.
Player matchmaking just for you
Get a personalised home page filled with Dota 2 players that are some of the best matches for you. This tailored list of players does the searching so you don't have to.

Recruitment, made easy
Want more control over your search? Quickly filter through players with only a few clicks. The wide range of categories means that recruiting for your next Dota 2 team has never been simpler.

All about the Dota 2 player
The Dota 2 profile page contains everything from what languages a player speaks to what roles they like to play. Want more detail? check out their previous games on some of your favourite stats sites or recruit them for your team by getting in touch with them through Steam.